James Mayes

Posts Tagged ‘wordcloud’

Blog: #TRULondon review

In Community, Conference, Recruitment, Social Media on February 21, 2011 at 10:30 am

As those present on Thursday evening will verify, I celebrated my birthday in the midst of #TRULondon.  Lucky chap that I am, my wife had arranged a swift departure thereafter for a weekend in Brussels – so my customary event review blog has for once, not been produced.

Instead, I’ve gathered the transcript of the hashtag discussion here – and subsequently produced the following word cloud.  Note that Twitter names and links have been removed – otherwise, it’s unedited (click on the image to see a larger version).

To all those in the room or contributing from afar – thanks! Bill made it happen – you made it great.

Wordle summary of #trulondon